WillowWood’s Alpha Control Liner System is a pathbreaking locking liner solution that serves as an alternative to commonly used socket-embedded electrode systems used with upper extremity pattern recognition solutions. The system’s integrated electrode design ensures consistent contact and improved signal fidelity. The Control Lock transmits EMG signals to the Coapt Gen 2 Controller for pattern learning.
Practitioners experience an easier fitting and evaluation process with less time spent on adjustments while patients experience increased device comfort, a wider range of motion and expanded functional envelope.
WillowWood now offers Alpha Control Fitting Liners – an assessment tool that aids in selecting the appropriate Alpha Control Liner SKU. It is intended that the Coapt Gen2 Pattern Recognition Evaluation Kit be used for myo-site selection prior to using the fitting liner. The fitting liner serves as a visual guide that allows practitioners to correlate the optimal locations for electrode placement and therefore the appropriate lead-length for the final Alpha Control Liner. Alpha Control Fitting Liners are available in 3 sizes (XS, S, M) similar to the Control Liner – each size is purchased individually. See below for fitting liner part numbers and instructions for use.
Please note that WillowWood does not recommend casting over fitting liners as electrode volume is not accounted for.