WillowWood Identifies Energy Savings Opportunities with Help from University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center

The Ohio Willow Wood Company recently invited a team from the University of Dayton Industrial Assessment Center (IAC-UD) to their Mt. Sterling, Ohio, facility to perform an energy assessment. WillowWood personnel described the prosthetic products the company manufactures and their manufacturing processes to the IAC-UD team. After collaborating with plant personnel, the IAC-UD team identified several energy saving opportunities and provided projected cost savings to the company.
Industrial Assessment Centers are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and are located at accredited engineering schools at 29 universities around the country. The service is provided at no cost to clients and student team members gain invaluable experience solving real engineering problems.
WillowWood management and employees are already energy-efficiency oriented and follow many best practices. The IAC-UD team recommended several new energy saving opportunities including enrolling in a demand response program, lowering the pressure set point of air compressors, replacing motor belt drives, and installing occupancy sensors and LEDs on warehouse lighting. Should WillowWood implement all the IAC-UD recommendations, the company’s energy use and energy cost would be reduced by 17% with a simple payback of about six-months.
For more information on IAC-UD services, visit www.udayton.edu/engineering/research/centers/indu strial_assessment or call (937) 229-3343.